GlobalMapper 8.0

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Зарегистрирован: 12 фев 2005, 00:51

GlobalMapper 8.0

Сообщение DRAGNI » 31 авг 2006, 13:22

What's New in Version 8.00 (8/30/2006) Added support for loading data from OpenGC WMS servers. This is done through the new File->Download Online Imagery/Topo Maps menu command (formerly the Download TerraServer menu command). Several sources are built-in, providing easy access to gridded elevation data for the US (NED) and the world (SRTM) as well as color imagery for the entire world. Users can easily add their own WMS data sources as well. (Registered Version Only) Added support for exporting loaded vector data to the Polish MP format for use with the cGPSMapper application ( which allows the creation of new maps for Garmin GPS units. (Registered Version Only) Added support for loading Polish MP format files like those used by the cGPSMapper application. Added support for loading vector data from KML/KMZ format files. Added support for loading NITF (National Imagery Transmission Format) format imagery. Added support for loading Geodas Grid (GRD98) format elevation files. Added support for loading some Intergraph COT format files. Added support for loading CDF (GES Cartographic Data Format) files. Greatly improved the raster layer options by adding support for color balancing (individual red, green, and blue adjustment), linear min/max contrast stretch, setting transparency for multiple layers at a time, feather blending (see below) and cropping to native bounds or by a given number of pixels. Added feather blending support for raster layers to the Options available from the Overlay Control Center. This is an extremely powerful feature that allows smoothly blending raster layers with underlying layers. For example, you might have high resolution imagery on top of lower resolution imagery. With feather blending, you can smooth the sharp edge and make the transition at the border seamless. Added support for checking clearances with respect to the first Fresnel zone when calculating view sheds and performing line of sight analysis. This allows for a more accurate visibility calculation depending on the wavelength being transmitted. (Registered Version Only) Added support for having labels be displayed at a fixed height in meters rather than at the same size at each zoom level. This option is on the bottom of the font selection dialog when either selecting a font for a classification on one of the * Styles tabs on the Configuration dialog or when selecting a font for a feature when editing it. Added option to always display the label for a particular feature or classification if labels are displayed. This option is on the bottom of the font selection dialog when either selecting a font for a classification on one of the * Styles tabs on the Configuration dialog or when selecting a font for a feature when editing it. Added an undo option when digitizing new features with the Digitizer Tool or drawing new measurements with the Measure Tool. Simply press Ctrl+Z and the last vertex added to the feature/measurement being drawn will be removed. Changed the snapping behavior in the Digitizer Tool so that snapping is disabled using the ALT key (rather than CTRL) and that snapping to vertices only is enabled by holding down the 'V' key (rather than SHIFT). When digitizing new features or moving existing feature or vertices using the Digitizer Tool, made holding down the CTRL key make the new location be snapped vertically, holding down the SHIFT key make the new location be snapped horizontally, and holding down both the CTRL and SHIFT keys snap the location diagonally. Added a new advanced selection option popup menu to the right-click popup menu for the Digitizer Tool when one or more area features is selected. This new menu has options for selecting all point and area features within the selected area(s), making it easy to select and edit features within a particular area. Added option to the Digitizer Tool to allow creating new line features from the boundaries of selected area features. When placing new range ring features with the Digitizer Tool, make the range ring center snap to existing features just like line, area, and point features do when drawing them. You can hold down Ctrl when placing the range ring to disable snapping. When adding areas as islands to existing features with the Digitizer Tool, prompt the user for whether or not the original areas should be marked as deleted. Previously the original areas were always marked as deleted, but this is not always desired. Greatly sped up exports to numerous binary formats, including Shapefiles, Global Mapper Grid files, and Surfer Grid files, especially when exporting to a network drive. (Registered Version Only) Added option when gridding data on export to have the column name be first and then the row name in the generated filename, rather than the default of row name first, then column name. (Registered Version Only) Added option when gridding data on export to turn off the prepending of zeroes to numeric column or row names in order to make them all the same length. (Registered Version Only) Added option to save a gridded file of slope values rather than elevations when exporting to a Float/Grid format. (Registered Version Only) Corrected text encoding recorded in exported KML/KMZ files to ISO-8859-1 rather than UTF-8. (Registered Version Only) Added option when exporting to KML/KMZ format files to fake an elevation for 2D area features in order to get the same draw order in Google Earth as you see in Global Mapper. (Registered Version Only) When gridding an export that is also cropped to a selected area feature, don't create files to any grid cells that don't intersect the selected area feature. (Registered Version Only) When exporting Shapefiles, remove any duplicate vertices from the exported lines. (Registered Version Only) Added option when exporting GeoTIFF files to generate PRJ files for the GeoTIFF files. (Registered Version Only) Added option when exporting 3D DXF Face files to generate the coordinates as ECEF (earth-centered earth-fixed) rather than in whatever projection system is selected (use EXPORT_ECEF=YES parameter for EXPORT_ELEVATION command in scripting language to script this behavior). (Registered Version Only) When rectifying imagery, made snapping to nearby vector data in the Reference Map view be turned off by holding the Alt key when left clicking rather than holding down the Ctrl key. This allows both snapping and zooming to a clicked location to be done by holding down the Ctrl key. When rectifying imagery, made left-clicking in the Zoomed Image and Reference Image views drop a small red dot to visually indicate the click location. In the image rectification dialog, made holding down the Ctrl key increase the pan size to a half screen when panning with the edge arrow on any of the map views. Made PRJ files be saved if possible in the newer PRJ well-known-text (WKT) format rather than the older ESRI-originated format that is no longer supported by ESRI products. There is an option to use the older PRJ format if desired on the General tab of the Configuration dialog. (Registered Version Only) Added support for the Bipolar Oblique Conic Western Hemisphere, Times, Old Israeli Grid, and New Israeli Grid projections. Added Corrego Alegra, NID (New Israeli Datum), OID (Old Israeli Datum) and QND95 (Qatar) as built-in datums. Added Clarke 1880 (Palestine), Clarke 1880 (RGS) and Sphere Radius 6371000 m as built-in ellipsoids available for use with custom datums. Fixed problems using and saving the Quebec MTM projection for which support was added in the last release. Made the names of state-plane zones listed on the projection selection dialog include the FIPS zone number of the zone. Allowed the use of the NAD83 HARN/HPGN datums with State Plane projections. Fixed problems decoding the Lambert France projections from old format PRJ files and workspaces. Increased accuracy of OSGB36 datum conversions. Made central meridian scale factor for Lambert Conformal Conic projections only be used in the 1SP (both first and second standard parallels the same) case since it can only be unity (1.0) in the 2SP case. Fixed decoding of UTM zones in the Southern hemisphere from some new format PRJ files. Fixed Transverse Mercator projections when used with datums based on perfect spheres (these would only have been custom datums based on a spherical ellipsoid). Added option to custom shader dialog to allow initialization of a custom shader from a Surfer CLR shader palette file. When creating or editing a map catalog and using the "Add Loaded Files" or "Add Onscreen Files" buttons, made files from other loaded map catalogs be added as well if they are not already in the map catalog being worked with. (Registered Version Only) When saving a workspace with any gridded elevation data loaded, made the current shader and other vertical display settings be written to the workspace so that the view will be the same when the data is reloaded. Added new advanced options list to the General tab of the Configuration dialog to allow selecting advanced options like treating DXF INSERT entities as points, automatically adding custom types for DXF layers, exporting old format PRJ files, preferring world file coordinates over embedded coordinates for GeoTIFF files, and prompting for whether or not 16-bit BIL data is imagery or elevation data. Added SAVE_SCALE_AND_LEGEND parameter to the EXPORT_RASTER script command to allow saving the distance scale and/or elevation legend to generated raster format files. (Registered Version Only) Added POINT_SPACING parameter to the GENERATE_PATH_PROFILE script command to allow specifying the spacing between sample locations along a path profile rather than the number of points. (Registered Version Only) Fixed reading of Shapefiles with PolygonZ and PolygonM shape types which don't have Z or M values for all features. Added option when batch converting to DGN format to control whether or not 3D DGN files are created. (Registered Version Only) Allowed specification of the default elevation units to use for vector data with elevations from the Options button of the Overlay Control Center. This elevation units value will be used for any elevation values associated with vector features in that layer that do not explicitly contain a unit identifier (i.e. "ft" or "m"). When saving/updating feature measure information for polygon features that have islands/holes, include the area of the island features as a separate ISLAND_AREA attribute. Also subtract the area of those islands away from the total polygon area stored in the ENCLOSED_AREA attribute to give a true representation of the actual area covered by the polygon. Greatly improved the load speed and reduced the memory requirements for most BMP format files. Improved auto-assignment of type names based on feature descriptions when loading DXF files to handle type names with spaces or underscores in them. Fixed error when saving a workspace file containing a map catalog with auto-collar cropping enabled. Fixed problems decoding NMEA GPS streams where the only valid sentence is the $GPRMC sentence. Fixed problem with the label background for labels set to display with filled backgrounds being white rather than the current view background color in some instances when raster or gridded elevation data is also being displayed. Made the size of the vector search dialog be remembered between runs. Fixed problems saving some Lambert Conformal Conic based projections to ECW files. In the v7.04 release a bug was introduced which would cause some projections to not have a projection string written to a newly created ECW file. (Registered Version Only) Allowed ECW and MrSID files without embedded positioning information to use positioning information from additional sources, like world files. Replace underscores with spaces in waypoint names loaded from CompeGPS format files. Made symbols for waypoints from CompeGPS files be automatically set if the symbol name for the waypoint matches a Global Mapper symbol name. Fixed restoring of default drawing styles for area and line features from the tabs of the Configuration dialog. This has been broken since the v6.08 release. Made transparency when exporting PNG files work when including either loaded vector data or the displayed scale, legend, and/or grid. (Registered Version Only) When exporting Simple ASCII text files, make the GM_TYPE attribute be exported when necessary if either attribute export option is enabled rather than only when the style attributes export option is enabled. (Registered Version Only) Added support for reading coordinates from world files where the coordinates are separated with tabs rather than being on separate lines. Made the list of layers in the Overlay Control Center be scrollable with the mouse wheel. Corrected image registration via CompeGPS IMP files with control points in multiple UTM zones or in a UTM zone in the Southern hemisphere. Improved decoding of CompeGPS IMP files using Lambert Conformal Conic projections. Sped up the import of large DTED files. Made symbol and type lookups by name work properly for types and symbols with accented characters. Don't allow multiple custom shaders with the same name to be used. Fixed loading of Arc ASCII Grid files with lines over 256 KB in length (up to a max of 2MB per line). Fixed bug with display of raster layers texture mapped over loaded elevation layers that do not use the shared default shader. Fixed bug in the encoding of area features in DLG-O files and allowed correct reading of incorrectly encoded DLG-O files with area features. Fixed display of tiled 16-bit grayscale TIFF imagery. Fixed recording of GPS tracklog when attached GPS device always reports an elevation of 0. Fixed auto-contrast adjustment for some large images with 16 bits per color channel. Made rotation values from BLW files used to position BIL files be used. Added option to Vector Display tab of the Configuration dialog to allow hiding any extra text displayed below road icons, like alternate names for the road. Added option to the General tab of the Configuration dialog to control whether or not grid lines should extend beyond the edge of loaded data. Added support for dragging Global Mapper Script (GMS) files onto a running instance of Global Mapper and have them be run. (Registered Version Only) Added support for 16-bit per color channel separated (Geo)TIFF files with more than 3 bands of data. Improved rendering of some lat/lon data that crosses the anti-meridian (180 E/W), such as range rings. Added option to the Measure Tool to have measured lines and areas be drawn along great circles rather than on straight lines (all measurements are always along great circles). Fixed rare problem with min and max values being treated as invalid from some Surfer Grid files. Made national wilderness and wildlife areas in 100K SDTS DLG files be detected and automatically classified as "National Park (Other)". Improved positioning of imagery using Ozi .map files that reference the Swiss Grid projection. Corrected positioning of imagery using Ozi .map files that specify a "map scale factor" (MSF) value other than 1. Added support for reading text from MTEXT entities in DXF files. Made link elements in GPX files be saved as attributes in the created features. Fixed very rare lockup when creating an elevation grid from 3D vector point features or during ASCII file import. Fixed problem with attribute tags in exported DGN files not being recognized by MicroStation. (Registered Version Only) Added Gridding tab when generating contours to allow breaking up the contour generation into multiple smaller pieces. Improved the visual appearance of gridded elevation data along the edges of the data when interpolating (the visible seem is reduced or disappears altogether in some cases). (Registered Version Only) Vitaly Saint Petersburg RUS ICQ 32808588

Сообщения: 2841
Зарегистрирован: 15 июл 2002, 16:44

Опередил. :) (-)

Сообщение Bushman » 31 авг 2006, 13:26

Сообщения: 781
Зарегистрирован: 12 фев 2005, 00:51

Re: Опередил. :) (-)

Сообщение DRAGNI » 31 авг 2006, 13:37

а я тебя в асе ищу как раз:-))))!

Saint Petersburg RUS
ICQ 32808588

Сообщения: 15897
Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2017, 18:49

Re: GlobalMapper 8.0

Сообщение Anonym » 01 сен 2006, 11:10

А лекарство уже есть?

Сообщения: 173
Зарегистрирован: 13 июл 2012, 22:36

Re: GlobalMapper 8.0

Сообщение BigSan » 10 сен 2006, 19:32

А где взять саму прогу?
На домашней только триал нашел - или это она и есть

-= #GPS-Sport =-

Сообщения: 15897
Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2017, 18:49

Проверил - не выходит ;(( (-)

Сообщение Anonym » 10 сен 2006, 22:27


Сообщения: 15897
Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2017, 18:49

Проверил - не выходит ;((

Сообщение Anonym » 10 сен 2006, 22:29

Проверил - не выходит ;((
Нет такой Hex -последовательности не только на данном смещении, но и вообще в global_mapper8.exe. И замена на таком смещении также ничеыго не дает ;((
Может опечатка где?

Сообщения: 15897
Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2017, 18:49

Проверил - не выходит ;((

Сообщение Anonym » 10 сен 2006, 22:29

Проверил - не выходит ;((
Нет такой Hex -последовательности не только на данном смещении, но и вообще в global_mapper8.exe. И замена на таком смещении также ничеыго не дает ;((
Может опечатка где?

Сообщения: 15897
Зарегистрирован: 06 фев 2017, 18:49

Проверил - не выходит ;((

Сообщение Anonym » 10 сен 2006, 22:29

Проверил - не выходит ;((
Нет такой Hex -последовательности не только на данном смещении, но и вообще в global_mapper8.exe. И замена на таком смещении также ничеыго не дает ;((
Может опечатка где?


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