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multi-navigator (+)

Добавлено: 21 янв 2002, 11:59

Re: multi-navigator (+)

Добавлено: 21 янв 2002, 13:09
: Several of the functions are based on the combination of GPS receiver and electronic compass. For example, the facility for setting out a route with several interim destinations which can then be easily followed with help from the navigator's compass. It can run for two weeks on four normal Walkman batteries, if you use the compass for plotting direction and update your position with the GPS receiver at regular intervals (every 30 minutes). Downloading a new position via the GPS takes approximately 10 seconds from start to finish. Then the GPS receiver function can be switched off and the low-energy electronic compass can be used until a new position reading is required.


А знаете сколько это стоит? Думаю, что в розницу будет все 500$ (-)(+)

Добавлено: 21 янв 2002, 14:29

Дык, мы цену не затрагиваем :) (+)

Добавлено: 21 янв 2002, 14:39
нам интересен сам дивайс с функциональной точки зрения :)
Так сказать, техническая реализация.